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Rep. Loudermilk: Fiscal Responsibility in Washington

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 Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement after voting in favor of the FY18 Budget, H.Con.Res.71:    “The problem with the federal government isn't that there isn't enough money, it's that for decades government spending has been out of control. Modern politicians have an addiction to spending other people's money, and government bureaucrats believe more…

Choice and Competition

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By Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) Op-ed run exclusively in The Daily Caller On September 6, 1976, Lieutenant Victor Belenko, a Soviet Air Force pilot, flew his MiG-25 to an airport in Japan where he surrendered the top-secret aircraft to the Japanese and immediately requested political asylum in the United States. With KGB agents eager to get their hands on the defector, Victor was…

Loudermilk Letter to EPA Leader on Truck Trailer Provision

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Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement after leading on a letter sent to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, to cut down on unnecessary regulations: “If it doesn’t have an engine, exhaust pipes, or the ability to move on its own, it’s not a ‘self-propelled vehicle.’ However, the EPA, under Obama, defined truck trailers as self-propelled vehicles so it could expand its…

Rep. Loudermilk: NSF Grants Should Promote National Interests

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Washington D.C. (February 10, 2016) | Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) today spoke in favor of the Scientific Research in the National Interest Act (H.R. 3293), legislation that will ensure the most efficient use of taxpayer funding for federal research. Rep. Loudermilk is an original co-sponsor of the bill. …

‘The greatest test’: Rep. Loudermilk invokes Pearl Harbor, 9/11 to encourage Americans to be resolute

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The Marietta Daily Journal | ‘The greatest test’: Rep. Loudermilk invokes Pearl Harbor, 9/11 to encourage Americans to be resolute By Ricky LeRoux CUMBERLAND — With uncertainty and worry on the minds of many after recent terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, U.S. Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Cassville, said Monday that America’s resolve is being tested, just as it has been…

The Marietta Daily Journal | U.S. Rep. Loudermilk talks Turkey, Iraq, Israel

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U.S. Rep. Loudermilk Talks Turkey, Iraq, and Israel MARIETTA — Freshman U.S. Rep. Barry Loudermilk’s trip to the Middle East as part of a Congressional delegation reminds him somewhat of running for office. “The intensity is very much like a campaign,” the Cassville Republican said. “The last couple of stops, we hadn’t even totally unpacked all of our bags. … It’s one meeting after the…