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Rep. Loudermilk: Fiscal Responsibility in Washington

 Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement after voting in favor of the FY18 Budget, H.Con.Res.71:
 “The problem with the federal government isn't that there isn't enough money, it's that for decades government spending has been out of control. Modern politicians have an addiction to spending other people's money, and government bureaucrats believe more money will fix all the problems. This combination has burdened the American people with a $20 trillion debt.

“I believe the American people know how to best handle their own finances, not government bureaucrats. The budget we passed today begins to shift the tide to cut government and empower the people. This budget begins the process of bringing back fiscal responsibility in Washington. It gives Congress the tools needed to tackle many of the biggest issues facing our nation: tax relief, health care reform, entitlement and welfare reform, securing our border, and spending restraint. This budget puts the interests of Americans first, not the interests of bloated government bureaucracies and their failed top-down programs. Our budget balances in ten years, and puts us on a path toward fiscal stability.”

The FY18 Budget,  H.Con.Res.71:
  • Requires Congress to find $203 billion savings in mandatory programs
  • $621.5 billion in defense discretionary spending
    • A $70 billion increase to give our armed services the equipment and training they need to do their jobs and return home safely.
  • Achieves a $6.5 trillion deficit reduction over 10 years, and produces a $9 billion surplus by Fiscal Year 2027
  • Calls for increased accountability at the VA to ensure our veterans get the care they deserve
  • Promotes job creation
  • Provides for lowering tax rates on individuals and small businesses in future legislation
    • See the House GOP plan for tax relief HERE
  • Helps reform and improves the sustainability of Medicare and Medicaid to preserve these programs for future generations
  • Delivers significant resources for border security
  • Balances in 10 years, and puts our country on track to pay down our current $20 trillion debt
“I have also introduced a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would require a balanced budget in the 10th fiscal year after ratification. My plan would fit within the time line of the FY18 Budget.”

Learn more about Rep. Loudermilk’s Balanced Budget Amendment