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Loudermilk Named ‘Hero of Main Street’

The National Retail Federation (NRF) has named Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) a “Hero of Main Street” for supporting legislation critical to the retail industry such as infrastructure investment, international trade, tax reform, and labor issues.

The "Hero of Main Street" award was created by NRF in 2013 to recognize members of Congress for their support of the retail industry’s public policy priorities. Eligibility is based on the NRF’s Retail Opportunity Index, bill sponsorship, and advocacy. The “heroes” have supported policies and initiatives defined by NRF that recognize the contributions of the retail industry and have worked to encourage a “vibrant, sustained, and healthy” retail sector.

"Our retailers, mom-and-pop store owners to large and small businesses across America, are the real heroes of Main Street," said Rep. Loudermilk. "They are more than just merchants; they are an integral part of our communities. I am honored to be recognized for my efforts to support these business owners and entrepreneurs who are the backbone of the American free market system."

“Representative Loudermilk has shown through his support that he cares about retailers big and small and values the role these businesses play in communities across the country,” said NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay. “He is an advocate for his thriving Main Street, and to the long-term growth of the retail industry - our nation’s largest job creators and the catalyst for continued growth and opportunity for our nation’s economy.”