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Rep. Loudermilk Reacts to Biden Administration's Plan to Send Billions to Developing Countries in the Form of Climate Reparations

From New York Post: 

In a pathetic bid to “show results” from the latest global climate-change confab, the Biden administration followed Western Europe’s hysterical lead by signing on to a lunatic “climate reparations” scheme.

It’s beyond outrageous. It won’t even bring any progress in reducing global carbon emissions, the supposed goal of the COP-27 meetings. If it works as promised, it’s just another wealth transfer from wealthy nations to the (largely corrupt) governing class of poor countries.

The just-ended climate talks in Egypt brought few if any new commitments to reduce emissions; too much of the developed world is racing to find new sources of gas, oil and even coal in the energy crisis triggered by Russia’s war on Ukraine. READ MORE