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Rome News-Tribune: Congressmen give tours, it’s what they do

Rome News-Tribune: 

We’ve known Rep. Barry Loudermilk for quite a while, and his character doesn’t speak to the accusations coming from the U.S. House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

We appreciate the tough work that committee is doing to investigate the incidents leading to the insurrection attempt, but they missed the mark on this one.

If you’re unfamiliar, the chair of that committee raised questions about a tour Loudermilk partially led on Jan. 5, 2021, suggesting the tour may have been a way to somehow gain layout intelligence prior to the attack on the Capitol. Those concerns were worth looking at but the accusations and response to those accusations don’t come near any evidence of wrongdoing ... and the attacks by members of the public are even worse.

Loudermilk represented Floyd County in the state legislature, first as a representative and later a senator, from 2005 to 2012. Despite him being shifted into a new district and later becoming a U.S. representative, we feel like we got to know him pretty well.

Loudermilk in his elected capacities has always represented his district and been what we expect of an elected official. We don’t always agree, but agreement isn’t how character is measured.

It’s not surprising that on Jan. 5, 2021, Loudermilk would meet with constituents at the Capitol, nor is it surprising that some of those same people supported now-former President Donald Trump. And it’s also not surprising that during a tour of the Capitol, visitors might take photos.

The Capitol Police investigated the incident and cleared Loudermilk, so why is this still an issue? Politics, plain and simple.

The committee has a lot of difficult and important work to do, they need to get to it. READ MORE