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Georgia Star: Georgia Representative Barry Loudermilk Grills Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell About Inflation

Georgia Star: 

Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-GA-11) this week reminded Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell about Loudermilk’s warnings from one year ago about inflation — a prediction that proved correct.

Loudermilk discussed the matter at a U.S. House Committee on Financial Services hearing.

“Our dollar has decreased in value due to inflation. A year ago, when you testified before this committee, I asked what your outlook was for the economy. You said you expected economic growth to be strong for the rest of 2021, but at that time I warned that the $2 trillion stimulus bill that was making its way through Congress at that time was unnecessary and far too big given the economy was already recovering. Lo and behold, these predictions came true,” Loudermilk said. READ MORE