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Rep. Loudermilk: Despite Warnings From Obama Economists, Democrats Pass Inflation-Boosting Spending Package

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement after the House passed President Biden’s Build Back Better Act:

“The passage of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act, better known as the ‘tax big and spend bigger’ bill, is an economic time bomb that will make things exponentially worse if it goes off. This bill is the perfect representation of just how out of touch President Biden and Democrats are with the American people. Just last week, several economists, including some who served in the Obama Administration, warned House Democrats that this bill will only exacerbate the economic problems plaguing Americans that the Biden Administration is already being blamed for. Additionally, contrary to President Biden’s false claim that this bill will 'cost zero dollars,' the Congressional Budget Office has confirmed that it will add hundreds of billions of dollars to the debt. But common-sense is dead with Washington Democrats, as they plowed forward with this package, which significantly grows the federal government and institutes numerous socialist-style programs.

“Hardworking Americans are concerned about skyrocketing gas prices, the supply chain crisis, and inflation, which is at a 30-year high. They aren't interested in doubling the size of the IRS, raising their own taxes, or passing Green New Deal-type policies, because they know these will make things worse.

“Unfortunately, my colleagues on the other side of the aisle seem to have forgotten basic economics; because, if they hadn’t, they would not be on pace to pump $5 trillion in new spending into the demand side of our economy in less than one year. The more money government dumps into the economy, the more demand there will be for products, which are already scarce, and that will drive prices even higher.

"To fix the runaway inflation, we need to stop the reckless spending, stop incentivizing people not to work, stop unconstitutional mandates, and remove government obstacles prohibiting the private sector from producing the amount of goods needed at competitive prices. If we would do those simple things, our economy would come roaring back to the historic levels we saw before the pandemic. America is ready to regain its foothold as the world's preeminent economic superpower; we just need the Democrats to stop doing more damage, and for government to get out of the way."