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Rep. Loudermilk Votes for New Leadership in the House of Representatives

Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement today after voting to elect Rep. Paul Ryan as the next Speaker of the House:

“This historic mid-term process of selecting a new Speaker has never been about a person, but revolutionizing the way Congress does business. The current leadership-centric, top down approach to governing is broken and prohibits members from truly representing their constituents. There is no better example of the failure of the current system than the two year budget deal which passed yesterday with a majority of Republicans rejecting it. The bill bypassed the entire legislative process and had no input from individual members of Congress or committee chairmen who have jurisdiction over these matters.

“While there is no perfect candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan has openly committed to working with members to restore the rules, respect the legislative process, empower every member of Congress, and ensure the American people are represented.

“Our nation’s Founders designed the House of Representatives to serve as the People’s House, not the speaker’s house. I believe that today gives us an historic opportunity to change the culture in Washington D.C., and shows that our government has responded to the millions of Americans who demanded change in the direction of their government.

“I look forward to working with Speaker Ryan as we continue toward restoring an America for future generations that is free, safe, and full of opportunity.”