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Press Release: Rep. Loudermilk Introduces Legislation to Prevent DHS Employees from Abusing Paid Administrative Leave

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) recently introduced his first piece of legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives – H.R. 1633, the DHS Paid Administrative Leave Accountability Act of 2015. This legislation would require improvements to the tracking and reporting of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) employees who are under investigation and are placed on paid administrative leave.

Currently, federal agencies have the authority to grant paid administrative leave – an excused absence without loss of pay or charge to individual – and can set policies governing its use. Oftentimes though, employees are put on paid administrative leave for indefinite periods of time, which has resulted in fraud and abuse within the system.

"We must hold government agencies accountable and ensure the responsible use of taxpayer money,” said Rep. Loudermilk. “The Government Accountability Office reported in October 2014 that from fiscal years 2011 through 2013, DHS employees charged approximately 1.5 million paid administrative leave days, which amounts to over $380 million. Some of these DHS employees were on paid administrative leave for over two years while lingering investigations for their misconduct were underway. This abuse of taxpayer funds must stop, and this bill will help prevent DHS employees from taking money out of the pockets of hardworking taxpayers by establishing an accountability system and severely cutting down on waste, fraud, and abuse.”

In an effort to improve accountability and safeguard taxpayer dollars, H.R. 1633 would direct the Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO) of DHS to monitor the number of employees on paid administrative leave and require the CHCO to develop and implement a department-wide administrative leave policy.

Under this legislation, the CHCO must report all employees under investigation for misconduct who claim administrative leave for more than six months, and submit a comprehensive report of all associated costs.

“I applaud Rep. Loudermilk for his dedication to saving taxpayers’ dollars within his first 100 days in Congress by sponsoring H.R. 1633 – the DHS Paid Administrative Leave Accountability Act of 2015,” said Chairman McCaul. “This legislation will help curb waste, fraud, abuse and ensure DHS is efficiently and effectively meeting its critical national security missions.”

For additional information on the DHS Paid Administrative Leave Accountability Act of 2015, click here.