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Rep. Loudermilk Votes to Defund Planned Parenthood, Protect the Sanctity of Life

Rep. Loudermilk on Defunding Planned Parenthood: Children Are Not Commodities  

Washington D.C. (September 18, 2015) | Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement today on the passage of H.R. 3134, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015:

“As Americans, we should be outraged by the atrocities taking place in our own nation, where innocent unborn babies are being harvested, marketed, and sold. Our children are not commodities to be bought and sold to the highest bidder, but humans who deserve to live.

“Planned Parenthood performs roughly 300,000 abortions each year, which means that nearly 900 unborn children lose their lives each day. This is not the America our founders envisioned for this nation. America is a land of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – not death, destruction, and complete disregard for human life. 

“With the release of the Center for Medical Progress’ videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s unethical and potentially unlawful activities, we can no longer bury our heads in the sand and somehow justify these atrocities in the name of science or business. Defunding Planned Parenthood is not a partisan issue; it’s about protecting the basic human rights of precious unborn children.

 “As a result of this life-saving legislation, Planned Parenthood clinics and their affiliates will be prohibited from receiving taxpayer funds for a one-year period, unless the organization agrees to stop performing abortions. This legislation is also critical to putting an end to the culture of death that has become so commonplace in Planned Parenthood clinics nationwide."

Rep. Loudermilk Votes to Increase Protections for Babies Born-Alive During Abortions

Washington D.C. (September 18, 2015) | Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement today after voting to approve H.R. 3504, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act:

“The harvesting and selling of baby parts is a story line so horrific and unbelievable that major Hollywood studios would likely discard the script as too offensive, yet these atrocious acts are happening everyday at Planned Parenthood clinics nationwide. Not only are these baby parts being harvested from aborted children, but according to the recently released undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress, babies born-alive are being bought and sold for profit. These actions are atrocious and deserve to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

“There comes a time when we can no longer turn away from truth, regardless of how offensive it may be. Children born alive during abortions deserve the highest quality of care and should not be left to die in abortion clinics or sold for profit.

“In a compelling testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, abortion survivor Gianna Jessen shared her moving story about surviving a late-term abortion. As part of her remarks, Jessen said, ‘If abortion is about women’s rights, then where were mine?’ America, the choice is in our hands. Will we give the countless babies who are born alive during abortions a chance at life, or will we continue to silence those who cannot yet speak for themselves? Life and death hangs in the balance; and it is my hope that we will choose life.”