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Rep. Barry Loudermilk Supports “A Balanced Budget For A Stronger America”

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) has issued the following statement today on the passage of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Resolution, “A Balanced Budget For A Stronger America.”

“The FY2016 Budget resolution, which passed the House today, provides a strategic framework for balancing the federal budget in less than 10 years. This ambitious plan would reduce government spending by $5.5 trillion, call for a simpler, fairer tax code, repeal Obamacare, place entitlement programs on a sustainable path, prioritize defense spending, and help pay off our national debt.

“Of the six budget proposals, the recommendations presented by Budget Chairman Tom Price and the Republican Study Committee were the only solutions that seek to reform Washington’s unrestrained culture of government spending. While both plans outlined a strong foundation for restoring fiscal responsibility in Washington, and I supported both, Chairman Price’s amended version of the budget was ultimately adopted.

“This multi-pronged approach to budgeting will realign our national spending priorities and ensure the efficient use of taxpayers’ dollars. "As global tensions continue to escalate, balancing our budget is now a matter of national security. In order to provide for the common defense, we must make military funding a top priority and ensure our servicemen and women have the resources they need to defend our homeland. To counteract the negative effects of sequestration on our nation’s military, the FY2016 Budget calls for an additional $387 billion in Defense Department funding over a 10-year period. The plan also allocates roughly $613 billion in funding for the Department of Defense’s Overseas Contingency Operations fund – a program that is critical to ensuring our preparedness for wartime operations.

“As a nation, we’ve reached an economic tipping point that can only be reversed through bold, deliberative action that addresses the federal government’s out-of-control spending and historic debt. While this $19 trillion dollar debt was not created overnight, we must work together to ensure future generations are not stuck with a hefty tax bill from a government that wants to spend now and pay later.”