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AROUND TOWN: ‘Impeachment looking for a cause’

U.S. Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Cassville, was keynote speaker at the Cobb GOP’s monthly breakfast over the weekend, where he explained why President Donald Trump did the right thing in his now famous phone call with the Ukrainians and why Democrats are using it as their latest reason du jour to impeach him.
From the MDJ:

"U.S. Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Cassville, was keynote speaker at the Cobb GOP’s monthly breakfast over the weekend, where he explained why President Donald Trump did the right thing in his now famous phone call with the Ukrainians and why Democrats are using it as their latest reason du jour to impeach him.

Last week it was Russian collusion, allegations which fell apart once the Mueller report was unveiled. This week it’s about Ukraine, Loudermilk said.

'They are an impeachment looking for a cause. They’re casting a broad net to find something to impeach this president on because he is challenging the status quo. He is changing the face of government that they have learned to manipulate to their benefit and this is what we’re facing,' Loudermilk argued." READ MORE