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HOMECOMING: Doors open at new Adairsville Elementary School

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From The Daily Tribune News:  "For Bartow County School Board member Anna Sullivan, the 115,000-square-foot building at 118 North Franklin St. in Adairsville isn't just a new schoolhouse. 'This piece of land and this beautiful building represents so much more than bricks and glass and pavement and grass in this community,' said the board's District 5 representative. 'This…

House Panel Advances Bills to Streamline Firing, Reduce Employee Protections

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From Government Executive:  "Members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee voted Tuesday to advance two pieces of legislation that would severely curtail the due process protections of federal employees facing discipline or dismissal. The committee voted along party lines to send the Modern Employment Reform, Improvement and Transformation (MERIT) Act (H.R.…

MERIT Act passes out of committee, proceeds to House floor

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Tags: MERIT Act

From the Daily Torch:  "The MERIT Act is finally moving forward. After a passing vote in the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the MERIT Act will be moving onto the House floor in the coming weeks for a vote. Congress can take a major step in answering the people’s calls to 'drain the swamp' by moving forward with this legislation. The only way to drain the swamp is to…

Financial Regulations Hurting Charities

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Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) on "Varney & Co." on the Fox Business Network discussing the calls by Democrats to abolish ICE and his bill, the BUILD Act, which aims to alleviate some of the burdens placed on nonprofits by the Dodd-Frank Act.

FIRETHESWAMP.COM banner flies across D.C.-Metro area, video exclusive from Fox 5 DC as ALG urges cosponsors for MERIT Act

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Tags: MERIT Act

From Americans for Limited Government:  "Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging cosponsors for the MERIT Act by U.S. Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) as the organization flew a banner reading FIRETHESWAMP.COMacross the D.C.-Metro area as federal workers commuted to D.C. earning video coverage from Fox 5 DC: " 'In…

‘Fire the Swamp’ Banner to Fly over D.C. Beltway

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Tags: MERIT Act

From Breitbart News:  "Americans for Limited Government (ALG) will fly a 'Fire the Swamp' banner over the Washington, DC, Beltway area Thursday morning to raise awareness for legislation that would streamline the process for firing corrupt federal bureaucrats. The banner and its corresponding website,, encourage members of Congress to support The Merit Act, a…

Federal civil service abuses bigger than just the VA

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Tags: MERIT Act

From the Daily Torch:  When news broke of employees at the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) putting the lives of veterans at risk with waiting lists to die, the country was outraged. When it became clear that these employees were not being terminated for their failures and mismanagement, Florida Senator Marco Rubio led bipartisan legislation that protected whistleblowers and…