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Statement: Rep. Loudermilk Votes for Congressional Oversight in Iran Nuclear Negotiations

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) has issued the following statement on the passage of H.R. 1191, the Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015:

“The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, which received broad bipartisan support, creates a review process that will allow Congress to reject an unacceptable nuclear deal with Iran.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran has repeatedly shown that it cannot be trusted. As recently as a few months ago, Iran’s supreme leader was on record shouting ‘death to America’ amid nuclear negotiations, and demanding a complete removal of economic sanctions. With Iran’s continued defiance and unwillingness to cooperate with the international community, it is reckless and irresponsible to allow Iran to continue with its uranium enrichment program.

“Lifting sanctions on Iran presents a clear danger to international security, and places the safety of every American at risk. Now is the time to stand firmly with the international community to dismantle Iran’s nuclear weapons capabilities and prevent them from receiving billions of dollars to further enrich their nuclear program.

“America’s future rests on the decisions we make today, and we can’t afford to negotiate with rogue governments that seek to destroy our people and the fundamental principles our nation was founded upon.”