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Loudermilk Supports Opening Up a Free Economy with the CHOICE Act

Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement after supporting the CHOICE Act, which opens up the economy for all Americans while stripping financial red-tape from the free market:

“Sluggish economic growth, big bank bailouts, less choices, financial uncertainty – these are the results of the law known as Dodd-Frank. Dodd-Frank was passed under the guise of protecting consumers against unfair practices in the financial services industry. However, this massive growth in government has served to protect financial insiders on Wall Street while alienating the small guy on Main Street. We’ve seen big banks get bigger while small banks become fewer. But that’s not all. Taxpayer dollars are at risk of funding government bailouts, choices are limited in areas where they existed before, and new jobs aren’t being created at the pace they should be. Enough is enough. That’s why I’m supporting the Financial CHOICE Act – because it pushes government out of the way and opens up an economy that works for everyone. Packed with fresh, new ideas, this legislation fosters our economy back to health and gives choices back to consumers. Americans deserve the opportunity to pursue a bright, promising future with financial freedom.”


The Financial CHOICE Act, H.R.10, protects consumers and grows the U.S. economy by requiring accountability from both Washington and Wall Street. It ends “too big too fail,” cuts excessive financial regulations, and removes obstacles to credit and capital.

To watch the Financial CHOICE Act markup in committee, click HERE.