Rep. Loudermilk’s Letter Urges IRS and NPRC to Get Back to Work Helping Americans

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement after sending a letter to the Internal Revenue Service and the National Personnel Records Center urging them to reopen and return to full strength immediately.

“At the beginning of this pandemic, it was believed to be important to shut down parts of our economy so our doctors, nurses, and medical facilities could catch up with the flood of COVID-19 patients and save lives.

“It’s now been seven months since our economy was shut down; and, in that time, Americans have learned how to better protect themselves and their families, businesses have learned how to better protect their employees and customers, and people are returning to their jobs; but, unfortunately, employees at the IRS and the National Personnel Records Center continue to stay home, to the detriment of millions, and our veteran’s physical and financial health.

“This is why I sent a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig and National Personnel Records Center Director Scott Levins urging them to return to work at full capacity, so they can help our constituents with many critical issues. Our veterans, and all Americans, deserve better.”

To read Rep. Loudermilk’s letter, please click here.