“In the thirty-plus years I spent working in the information technology sector, which included running a small business that provided a wide array of internet and network-based services, I can safely say, this bill is bad for America and bad for business.
“The internet has provided a platform of innovation unlike any other in history, empowering us with information and communications capabilities unimaginable just twenty years ago. These advancements have been because the internet has been relatively free of regulation by Washington bureaucrats. And while this bill may make those in Silicon Valley, New York City, and Washington, D.C. happy, the law leaves behind rural America. Nearly forty percent of rural communities still lack high-speed internet.
“House Republicans understand, technology products have become smarter and faster, and the lower costs of internet-based technologies are predominantly due to very little interference from the federal government. Giving Washington bureaucrats too much control over the internet would certainly slow down development of products and services and inevitably raise costs, which does little to help rural Americans connect with others at an affordable rate.”