Rep. Loudermilk Hosts Career Fair for Students Looking to Learn a Trade

This past week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) hosted a Skilled Trades & Apprenticeships Career Fair in Cartersville for high school students in Georgia’s 11th Congressional District. The career fair was widely attended, with thirty-five businesses, trade and technical schools, and nearly four hundred students, parents and teachers from seventeen high schools.

“It’s no secret, the cost of pursuing a traditional four-year college degree is skyrocketing, despite the fact that job opportunities associated with those degrees are waning,” stated Congressman Loudermilk. “This disparity is why I am a huge supporter of trade and technical schools, and the reason I hosted this career fair for students interested in pursuing a skilled vocation. I often tell the stories of conversations with constituents who have graduated from a trade or technical school, and are making more money, with much less debt, than many of their peers who went to a traditional four-year college. Since the career fair, we have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback; and I greatly appreciate the businesses, trade and technical schools, and the hundreds of students and others who attended this incredible event.”