Loudermilk Works to Combat Prescription Drug Abuse

Combating prescription drug abuse, Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) took action this week by supporting legislation that creates a task force aimed to help people with painkiller drug addictions. He issued the following statement regarding the Opioid Inter-Agency Task Force Act:

“We cannot ignore our nation’s drug abuse epidemic. Over two million people nationwide suffer from prescription painkiller addictions. Painkillers are to help people, not hurt them; but far too often people grow dependent on the very drug meant to ease their pain after an injury or surgery.

“Helping people overcome these addictions is why Congress passed legislation to bring professionals from the medical field and the law enforcement community to work together. These experts will voluntarily join the Opioid Inter-Agency Task Force, and they will help find solutions to prescription drug abuse problems. We cannot sit around any longer doing nothing while this health crisis negatively impacts our families and our communities.”