Congress Passes Bill To Award ‘Rosie the Riveter’ Congressional Gold Medal

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) spoke on the House floor before the House of Representatives passed the Rosie the Riveter Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2019, H.R. 1773:

On the impact the six million ‘Rosie the Riveters’ had on World War II

“As the son of a World War II veteran, the brother of a Vietnam veteran, and a veteran myself…I understand that victory in battle is not solely due to the soldier on the battlefield, or the airman flying over the battlefield, or the Marine, or the sailor. It’s… the responsibility of all Americans and those who actually supply the weapons and the machinery of war, that is so desperately needed by those who are on the battlefield. We saw this play out in a great way during World War II, as our young men and women were across the pond and throughout the Pacific fighting against tyranny. Many here at home stepped up and fulfilled the positions that many of them vacated, to go fight… We’re honoring such of those today, being ‘Rosie the Riveters,’ where 6 million answered their country’s call to make sure that the airmen had the aircraft to fly, that the infantrymen had the bullets and the guns that were needed to defend this country, that the sailors had the equipment, the ships, and the weapons to fight on the seas; and the Marines… had the materials they needed. We could not have seen that victory in World War II if it weren’t for these brave patriots who not only took on the roles and the responsibilities that others left to make sure that we had the weapons, the materials, and the logistics that were needed, but also [were] raising families at the same time.”

On traveling to Normandy for the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion and meeting some of the last surviving ‘Rosie the Riveters’

“In June of this year, I was honored to be one of the official delegates to travel to Normandy representing the U.S. House of Representatives for the seventy fifth anniversary of D-Day. I was especially honored because my Dad was one of those who stepped on the shores of Normandy during that battle. As I was sitting in the audience waiting on the President to give his remarks, there were three lovely ladies sitting in the row in front of me, and we began to engage in conversation. I found out they were ‘Rosie Riveters;’ and, of course, I had to have a selfie with ‘Rosie.’ They became the stars… those three ladies became the focus of many that were there, and rightfully so… because of their deeds and their patriotism…”

  Rep. Loudermilk meeting ‘Rosie’ the Riveter in Normandy in June 2019 (left) and, unbeknownst to him until afterward, the same ‘Rosie’ (Mae Krier) was in the gallery in House of Representatives at the time of his speech (right)


• This bill awards a single Congressional Gold Medal to Rosie the Riveter (any female individual who held employment or volunteered in support of the war efforts during World War II) in recognition of these individuals’ contributions to the United States and the inspiration they have provided to ensuing generations.

• The medal shall be displayed at the National Museum of American History, and the medal will be available for display at other locations associated with Rosie the Riveter.