2018 Congressional Art Competition Winners Announced

Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) announced the winners of the 2018 Congressional Art Competition for the 11th District at the RobertKent Galleries in Marietta. Graciella Elaine, who attends River Ridge High School, won first place for her piece “The Magician.”

“Every year I’m blown away by the immense talent our high school students possess, and this year was no exception. All of the artwork submitted is worthy of recognition, and the display at the RobertKent Galleries was truly remarkable. Congratulations to our winners and each student who participated in this wonderful event.”

In the 2018 competition, a total of 35 entries were submitted from 15 schools across Georgia’s 11th Congressional District. The winning artwork was hand-selected by an independent panel of local artists, and featured as part of a special exhibition at the RobertKent Galleries in Marietta.

2018 Congressional Art Competition Results:

First Place
Graciella Elaine
Art Piece: “The Magician”
School: River Ridge High School
Instructor: Mary Jo Mulvey

Second Place
Taylor Baxley
Art Piece: “Bella”
School: Kennesaw Mountain High School
Instructor: Lauren Davis

Third Place
Ragan Martin
Art Piece: “Haunting Beauty”
School: River Ridge High School
Instructor: Chris Akins

Honorable Mentions:

Parker Metlick
Art Piece: “Peggy”
School: Lyndon Academy
Instructor: Aubrey Metlick

Damaris Zamudio
Art Piece: “Memory Assortment”
School: The Westminster Schools
Instructor: Pamela Martinez