Rep. Loudermilk to Introduce Bill to End Fed Unemployment Subsidy So America Can Get Back to Work

Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) to introduce legislation to end the federal unemployment subsidy:

“So many small businesses in my area are at a breaking point. While they have seen a steady rise in business over the past few months, many are nearing or exceeding their capacity to serve their customers because of the critical shortage of workers and the escalating cost of goods and materials. The federal government’s unemployment insurance subsidy is the primary source of the problem in getting enough workers, and these business owners and their hardworking employees are demanding for it to end.

“The dismal April jobs report is just the latest sign that the economy is moving in the wrong direction. For months, we’ve been inundated with complaints from local business owners, desperate to find workers to fill positions. I’ve heard this from many small business owners and managers, ‘How can I compete with a government that pays people more to not work, than I can afford to pay them to work? I can’t, and it’s killing my business.’ The shortage of workers is having a broader effect on the overall economy as well, creating shortages and driving up prices of goods. Lumber prices, for instance, have skyrocketed to over 200% of where they were last year, which is greatly concerning. Restaurants are paying record prices for supplies; and, in some cases are unable to even get products.

“Paying people to be idle when there are countless jobs available is insane, and it must change. This week, I will introduce a bill to end the insurance subsidy immediately. It’s time to stop the insanity and move this country towards more employment, not less.

“The American worker is the backbone of our economy; and, without a vibrant and plentiful workforce, America’s economy comes to a halt. At that point, everyone feels the pain. America’s economy is poised to grow substantially, if we just get government out of the way and free the American workforce to work.”