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U.S. Congressman Barry Loudermilk
  Rep. Loudermilk: House Dems Pass 'Build Back Broke’ Act; Georgia Again Sets Unemployment Record  

  Press Release: Rep. Loudermilk: Despite Warnings From Obama Economists, Democrats Pass Inflation-Boosting Spending Package
  Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement after the House passed President Biden’s Build Back Better Act:

“The passage of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act, better known as the ‘tax big and spend bigger’ bill, is an economic time bomb that will make things exponentially worse if it goes off. This bill is the perfect representation of just how out of touch President Biden and Democrats are with the American people. Just last week, several economists, including some who served in the Obama Administration, warned House Democrats that this bill will only exacerbate the economic problems plaguing Americans that the Biden Administration is already being blamed for. Additionally, contrary to President Biden’s false claim that this bill will 'cost zero dollars,' the Congressional Budget Office has confirmed that it will add hundreds of billions of dollars to the debt. But common-sense is dead with Washington Democrats, as they plowed forward with this package, which significantly grows the federal government and institutes numerous socialist-style programs.  

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  In the News: CBO: Biden Spending Bill Will Add $367B to Deficit
  Fox Business:

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated Thursday that President Biden’s social spending bill will add $367 billion to the federal deficit over the next 10 years, without counting potential revenue from an IRS tax enforcement crackdown that White House officials claim will cover the remaining cost.

"CBO estimates that enacting this legislation would result in a net increase in the deficit totaling $367 billion over the 2022-2031 period, not counting any additional revenue that may be generated by additional funding for tax enforcement," the CBO said in a release.

The CBO score raises doubts about the Biden administration’s claim that the $1.75 trillion in spending outlined in a framework agreement for the "Build Back Better Act" is fully covered by offsets included in the bill. Treasury Department and White House officials say enhanced IRS tax enforcement will generate $400 billion in new tax revenue, while the CBO estimates it would it would generate net revenue of about $127 billion after expenses. 

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  In the News: Georgia Unemployment Rate Hits All-Time Low Amid Strong Job Growth
  Georgia Department of Labor:

Georgia Labor Commissioner Mark Butler announced today that Georgia's unemployment rate dropped to 3.1 percent in October, the lowest rate in Georgia's recorded history. The rate was down two-tenths from a revised 3.3 percent in September. The national October 2021 unemployment rate was down two-tenths to 4.6 percent. Jobs in Georgia were up 21,000 over the month and are up 4.5 percent over the year to 4,605,600.

"We have seen continuous job growth this year as we have gained back 90 percent of the jobs lost during the pandemic," said Commissioner Butler. "The continual increase in employment opportunity, particularly in those areas hardest hit by the pandemic, reinforces the critical need for encouraging available Georgians back into the workforce."
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