As a nation, we’ve reached an economic tipping point that can only be reversed through bold, deliberate, and decisive action that address the federal government’s out-of-control spending and historic debt. The $36 trillion-dollar debt incurred today is an added tax burden on hardworking American families tomorrow. We must work together to ensure future generations are not stuck with a hefty tax bill from a government that overspends and overextends taxpayer resources. The federal government’s plan of spending now and paying later continues to drive up inflation and punish small businesses. If Georgians and Americans can sit at the kitchen table, live within their means, and balance their checkbooks, so can Congress.
As global tensions continue to escalate, balancing our budget is also a matter of national security. To secure America’s long-term economic independence, grow our economy, and protect our national security, we must:
- Call for a simpler, fairer tax code.
- Improve our healthcare system with patient-centered reforms.
- Limit entitlement spending to preserve vital programs for future generations.
- Prioritize defense spending to enhance military readiness and combat threats from around the globe.
- Rein in our national debt for the good of our children and our grandchildren.
Balanced Budget Amendment
Many states, including Georgia, operate under a balanced budget, and do not spend more than they take in. This responsible approach to budgeting should be mandatory at the federal level as well, especially as our national debt continues to climb.
During my time in Congress, I have joined together with other conservatives in proposing a much-needed balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This ten-year plan gives Congress the time it needs to get its financial house in order and to come up with long-term solutions to tackling our out-of-control spending. The time to turn the page on Congress’ reckless spending is now – not later, when our grandchildren are handed the bill.