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U.S. Congressman Barry Loudermilk
  Recent surveys show that over three-fourths of Americans are either angry or frustrated with the federal government, and an overwhelming majority of our citizens do not believe that the government works to their benefit. This is why, even before being elected to Congress, Rep. Loudermilk has advocated for a more effective and efficient federal government that will restore America’s confidence in our government.

Working for the federal government is an honor and a privilege, and most federal employees value the opportunity and work hard to serve the American people. However, some federal employees have learned they can use the system to protect their jobs regardless of their poor performance or bad behavior. These employees cast a negative light on the government, and are a burden to those who work hard every day to help the American people.

The MERIT Act is a huge step to creating a more efficient and effective government that works for the people, streamlining the process and lessening the time it takes to dismiss poor performing or negligent employees. It shouldn’t take over a year to remove a bad employee, as under the current system.

To read more about the MERIT Act (HR 559), please click HERE


  A Message from Rep. Loudermilk: MERIT Act Gains Support  

  Video of the Week: Rep. Loudermilk Discusses the MERIT Act with One America News  

  Rep. Loudermilk: The MERIT Act Answers President Trump’s Call
  Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement answering President Trump’s call for Congress to empower Cabinet Secretaries with the authority to inject merit back into the federal workforce.

In President Trump's State of the Union Address, the President called for congressional action:

“All Americans deserve accountability and respect –and that is what we are giving them. So tonight, I call on the Congress to empower every Cabinet Secretary with the authority to reward good workers –and to remove Federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.”

-President Trump, SOTU January 30, 2018

“For more than a year I have been laying the groundwork, working with the Administration and my colleagues in the House to fulfill this request," said Rep. Loudermilk. "H.R. 559, the Modern Employment Reform, Improvement, and Transformation (MERIT) Act is the answer to the call - to assure the American people are served by a government they trust.

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  In the News: Senator David Perdue Introduces MERIT in the Senate  
  From the office of Senator Perdue:

“The United States federal government is completely overgrown today, and this is no surprise since it is nearly impossible to fire bureaucrats failing to do their jobs,” said Senator Perdue. “Right now, it can take more than a year to fire or replace a civil service employee, even for poor performance or misconduct. Government employees should be held to the same standard as private sector employees. Our country is facing a $21 trillion debt crisis, and we simply cannot afford to hold onto bad actors who aren’t doing their jobs. President Trump has called on Congress to clean up government waste. Since he took office, more than 1,550 underperforming bureaucrats have been fired at the VA. It’s time that approach is applied to the entire federal government.” 

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  In the News: MERIT Act passes out of committee, proceeds to House floor
  From The Daily Torch:

"The MERIT Act is finally moving forward. After a passing vote in the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the MERIT Act will be moving onto the House floor in the coming weeks for a vote. Congress can take a major step in answering the people’s calls to “drain the swamp” by moving forward with this legislation. The only way to drain the swamp is to fire the swamp, and the MERIT Act will empower managers to remove poor performing employees that are preventing our bureaucracy from working for the people." 

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Graphic of the Week: Newt Gingrich on MERIT

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