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U.S. Congressman Barry Loudermilk
  “With confidence in our armed forces with the unbounding determination of our people we will gain the inevitable triumph so help us God.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt December 8, 1941.

Today, let us remember those who gave their last full measure of devotion defending our freedoms 77 years ago.

  Press Release of the Week [1 of 2]: A National Day of Mourning: Remembering George H.W. Bush
  Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement in honor of today’s National Day of Mourning in remembrance of former President George H.W. Bush:

“Today marks a National Day of Mourning in remembrance of former President George H.W. Bush, but in reality we celebrate a man’s life spent dedicated to public service. From an early age, his life story almost reads like a great fiction novel. From the time he enlisted in the Navy as a young man, after the attack on Pearl Harbor during WWII, to his days spent dedicated to humanitarian efforts across the world after his political career, President Bush’s life is to be honored, studied, and celebrated.

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  Press Release of the Week [2 of 2]: House Members Commemorate One-Year Anniversary of President Donald Trump's Official Recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel  
  Today, Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and 42 cosponsors introduced a resolution to commemorate the one-year anniversary of President Donald Trump’s official recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel and the announcement of his intention to relocate the American embassy to Jerusalem. Congressman Biggs, along with many of the cosponsors, released the following statements:

“It is the diplomatic right of any sovereign nation to choose where their capital is located; and, for 67 years, Israel has recognized Jerusalem as their capital. I applaud President Trump for moving the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem a year ago, and my good friend Rep. Andy Biggs for commemorating this seismic event between the United States and Israel.” – Congressman Barry Loudermilk (GA-11)

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  Social Media of the Week: Bible Week  

  Graphic of the Week: Median Household Income  

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