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U.S. Congressman Barry Loudermilk
  A Message from Rep. Loudermilk: President Biden Has Heard Americans Loud and Clear on BBB  

  Press Release: Rep. Loudermilk Leads Effort to Increase Production of the C-130J
  Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement after he led a bipartisan letter, along with Rep. David Scott (D-GA), Cheri Bustos (D-IL), and Darin LaHood (R-IL), to the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, urging the Department of Defense to increase the number of new C-130J aircraft it is requesting in the FY2023-2028 budget request.

“In terms of military readiness and our ability to respond to conflicts quickly around the globe, the C-130J is arguably the most important aircraft we have. Additionally, every C-130J is manufactured in Georgia’s 11th Congressional District, at Lockheed Martin’s facility in Marietta, which employs close to 3,000 hardworking Georgians.

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  In the News: In Times of Deep Political Divide in D.C., One Ministry Dedicated to Bringing 'Hope to the Hill'  
  CBN News:

In this time of deep division in our country, there can be a tendency to sense there's no hope in Washington, D.C. However, one ministry is working hard to defeat that feeling.

Their mission is simple – provide prayer and pastoral support for all those God has put in office.

At Hope to the Hill Ministries in D.C., the goal is to encourage, support, and minister to powerful and stressed politicians.

"The whole idea is we're focusing on their faith. Their faith journey. How things are going for them in their lives – and they see that we're not asking questions about how they feel about this issue or that issue," explained Hope to the Hill's George Roller.  

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  In the News: CBO: Permanent Dem Tax & Spend Bill Costs About $5 TRILLION, Adds $3 Trillion to Deficit
  Ways & Means:

Democrats’ tax-and-spend bill will cost about $5 trillion if Democrats follow through on their promises to make the bill permanent, according to a new analysis from the Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation.

Additionally, they project that it “would increase the deficit by $3.0 trillion over the 2022–2031 period.”

-Democrats have claimed that their bill is “paid for” and “costs zero,” while at the same time advocating to make permanent many programs that expand the welfare state, with the greatest amount coming from the Child Tax Credit (CTC). If the CTC were made permanent rather than ending after 2022, however, it would add nearly $1.6 trillion to the deficit.

-The SALT tax carveout for the wealthy would add $245 billion to the deficit—meaning your kids and grandkids will have to foot the bill for special tax breaks for America’s top earners. 

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  In the News: Rep. Loudermilk, Republicans Demand Speaker Pelosi Vote on Ending Vaccine Mandate for Small Businesses
   In the News: Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors Now Blocked Nationwide  
  Epoch Times: 

A federal court on Dec. 7 blocked President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal contractors.

Georgia and other plaintiffs suing Biden over the mandate “will likely succeed in their claim that the president exceeded the authorization given to him by...

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