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U.S. Congressman Barry Loudermilk
  Rep. Loudermilk discusses Infrastructure, other issues, with John Fredricks on WJFN Radio

  Press Release: Rep. Loudermilk Earns ‘Taxpayer Super Hero’ Award from Citizens Against Government Waste
  Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement after he scored 100 percent, and was named a “Taxpayer Super Hero” from Citizens Against Government Waste for the 116th Congress. Their report evaluated every Congressional member’s voting record on how they voted on issues to eliminate waste, mismanagement, and inefficiency in government, and protecting hardworking taxpayers.

“One of the biggest problems with Congress is the growing belief that government can fix most any problem if we just throw enough money at it. I believe Americans are capable of fixing their own problems, if we can just get government out of their way. Those of us in Congress have to remember that it is the hard-earned money of the American taxpayers we are spending, and every dollar that goes into a big government program is a dollar that was taken out of the wallet of a hardworking American.  

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  In the News: Murphy, Lankford, Connolly, Loudermilk Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Strengthen Trust In Government, Improve Public Services For Constituents  
  Senator Murphy's Office:  

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and U.S. Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) on Thursday introduced bipartisan legislation to strengthen trust in the government by improving the customer experience of citizens interacting with federal agencies. The Trust in Public Service (TIPS) Act would bolster trust by ensuring that citizen interactions with government are characterized by effectiveness, ease, and positive emotions. The legislation also seeks to support the routine use of citizen and employee feedback and improve federal government communication to provide context for the ways the federal government serves the public. U.S. Representatives Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) and Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) are introducing companion bipartisan legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“It is unacceptable that the federal government consistently ranks among the lowest in customer satisfaction when compared to the private sector. The American people have a right to expect a high level of service and professionalism from our federal agencies, given they handle some of the most sensitive aspects of our lives,” said Loudermilk. “This is why I have worked on legislation to improve the customer experience every year I’ve been in Congress, and why I am leading this effort in the House of Representatives, with Congressman Connolly. The fact that the Trust in Public Service Act is a bipartisan, bicameral bill shows it is a very important issue for many Americans, and why I believe it will pass in the Senate and the House, and be signed into law by the President.”

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  In the News: Rep. Loudermilk & GOP to Defense Secretary: Left-Wing Extremism and Politicization Jeopardizing Military’s Legacy  

"Thirty House Republicans sent a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Wednesday, warning him that creeping left-wing extremism and politicization is jeopardizing the United States military’s status as one of the nation’s most respected institutions.

The lawmakers said that under the guise of reviewing “extremism” within the Department of Defense, “political actors such as Bishop Garrison, the head of the working group tasked with defining extremist views” for the DOD, have been given “broad freedom to both catechize and root out servicemembers who will not affirm far-left doctrines.” 

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