District Update  Click here if you have trouble viewing this email
U.S. Congressman Barry Loudermilk
  Rep. Loudermilk was grateful to have another amazing group of interns in the D.C. office for part of this summer. The Congressman and his staff greatly appreciate their hard work and professionalism, as they represented Georgia’s 11th Congressional District office. All of them have bright futures, and we wish them the best in their future endeavors.

During their time in D.C., Adam (Emory University), Braden (University of Georgia), Lydia (University of North Georgia), and Russell (Clemson University) performed vital duties; such as, constituent tours of the U.S. Capitol, answering phone calls, attending committee hearings, and many other tasks crucial to the day-to-day operations of the office.

If you know someone who is interested in this educational opportunity, and would like more information on internships, please CLICK HERE.


  Rep. Loudermilk Weekly Message: Telephone Town Hall - Veteran Affairs   
  On Tuesday, June 26, Rep. Loudermilk hosted a telephone town hall to discuss some of the most important issues of interest to Georgia's 11th Congressional District and the nation.

Some of the topics included:

• The U.S. Economy
• Immigration and Border Security
• Healthcare, Social Security, Medicare
• National Defense

To listen to the entire telephone town hall, please CLICK HERE.


  Press Release of the Week [1 of 2]: Rep. Loudermilk Introduces Religious Freedom Resolution
  Rep. Loudermilk has issued the following statement after introducing the Religious Freedom Resolution, H.Con.Res. 126:

“Religious persecution has been present throughout history, and was one of the prevalent factors that led our founders to declare independence from England. It is naïve to think that it could never reappear in America, which is why it’s imperative that the United States continue to acknowledge the importance of our religious freedom. Our founders were branded as traitors, imprisoned, and faced execution for their dedication to freedom, but they were willing to give their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor so future generations of Americans could live in freedom. To this day, people from around the world seek our shores as they flee religious persecution. I want to thank my colleagues for supporting this resolution, and reaffirming what our founders fought and died for. May the United States always be the land of the free.”

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  Social Media of the Week: Border Security  

  Press Release of the Week [2 of 2]: BUILD Act Passes Committee with Unanimous Vote
  Rep. Loudermilk issued the following statement after the House Financial Services Committee unanimously passed his bill, the Building Up Independent Lives and Dreams (BUILD) Act, H.R. 5953:

“My BUILD Act cuts government red-tape by eliminating duplicative and overly burdensome regulations placed on charities by the Dodd-Frank Act. While some disagree with my work on reducing regulations, it’s clear that when it comes to helping those in need, my colleagues on both sides of the aisle agree. These nonprofit organizations operate under different business models than traditional financial institutions, and should be afforded a simpler, more streamlined method for providing mortgage disclosures. Nonprofits deserve this relief, and I urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to move quickly on this bipartisan bill so we can get it to the president’s desk.”

The BUILD Act received strong support on both sides of the aisle and passed out of the House Financial Services Committee by a unanimous vote of 53-0.

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  Graphic of the Week: Tax Cuts & Jobs Act   

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