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Loudermilk: Historic Tax-Relief Coming for Americans

Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) issued the following statement today after the House released its plan for comprehensive tax reform:

“Americans at every income level deserve to keep more of the money they work so hard to earn. When my son and daughter-in-law were first married a few years ago, they only made about $24,000 a year. A family living on that amount has to count every penny and cut every corner to make ends meet. Even though the budget is tight, they know how to spend their money much better than the government.

“The ‘Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’ released by the House GOP earlier today drops the tax rate for a family making $24,000 per year to zero, saving them over $2,000. The plan not only cuts taxes for individuals but also for America’s businesses - allowing them to expand and create more jobs. While this plan is not perfect, the tax relief it provides for millions of hardworking Americans is too important to ignore. I look forward to participating in the legislative process and delivering tax-relief to our taxpayers."

For information and resources about the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” visit Loudermilk.House.Gov.